Biography: Alexia Martinez
The sales process of ophthalmic lenses has always been traditional, highly clinical and with little patient involvement. The patient is advised by the optometrist and has little margin for participation.
At Horizons Optical's User Experience Department we have found that being an active part of the final choice or even become part of the creation of the lens leads to a higher degree of satisfaction and adaptation. We believe that the incorporation of new technologies can provide new tools for the explanation, diagnosis and attractive sales of ophthalmic lenses while maintaining clinical rigour. These technologies allow increasing product personalisation and improving user experience, making the purchasing process much more agile and participative.
The purpose of this talk is to show the evolution of the user experience and how new technologies add value to both the optometrist and the patient who wants to purchase the product. We will show with examples how technological innovation is helping to transform the ophthalmic lens sales, focusing on the end user and carrying out more precise measurements for the personalisation of ophthalmic lenses.